Perfect Oreo Milkshake

Perfect Oreo Milkshake

Perfect Oreo Milkshake


In the world of decadent treats, nothing quite compares to the timeless charm of an Oreo milkshake. This delightful blend of creamy vanilla ice cream, rich milk, and crunchy Oreo cookies is a favorite for all ages. Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of creating the ultimate Oreo milkshake that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more.


To achieve the perfect Oreo milkshake, high-quality ingredients are essential. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Vanilla Ice Cream: 3 scoops of premium vanilla ice cream
  • Whole Milk: 1 cup for a creamy texture
  • Oreo Cookies: 6-8 cookies for that authentic Oreo flavor
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon to enhance the vanilla notes
  • Whipped Cream: For topping
  • Crushed Oreos: For garnish
  • Chocolate Syrup: Optional, for an extra chocolatey twist


Ensure you have the following equipment for the best results:

  • Blender: A high-powered blender for a smooth consistency
  • Tall Glasses: For serving
  • Straws: Preferably wide ones to enjoy the chunks of Oreo

Step-by-Step Preparation

1. Preparing the Ingredients

Start by slightly softening the vanilla ice cream. This makes it easier to blend and results in a smoother milkshake. Measure out a cup of milk and have your Oreo cookies ready.

2. Blending the Base

In your blender, combine the softened vanilla ice cream, whole milk, and vanilla extract. Blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy. This forms the base of your milkshake.

3. Adding the Oreos

Break the Oreo cookies into smaller pieces and add them to the blender. Pulse the blender a few times to incorporate the cookies. Ensure not to over-blend, as the goal is to have delightful Oreo chunks in the milkshake.

4. Serving

Pour the milkshake into tall glasses, leaving some space at the top. Top with a generous amount of whipped cream and sprinkle crushed Oreos on top. For an added touch, drizzle chocolate syrup over the whipped cream.

5. Garnishing

Garnish the rim of the glass with a whole Oreo cookie and serve immediately with a wide straw.

Tips for the Best Oreo Milkshake

  • Use High-Quality Ice Cream: The better the ice cream, the richer your milkshake will be.
  • Chill Your Glasses: Before serving, chill your glasses in the freezer for 10-15 minutes to keep the milkshake cold longer.
  • Adjust Sweetness: Depending on your taste, you can add a teaspoon of sugar or chocolate syrup to the blend.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Add a scoop of chocolate ice cream for a chocolate Oreo milkshake or a tablespoon of peanut butter for a nutty twist.


Vegan Oreo Milkshake

For a vegan version, substitute the dairy ingredients with plant-based alternatives:

  • Vanilla Ice Cream: Use a dairy-free vanilla ice cream
  • Milk: Use almond milk or oat milk
  • Whipped Cream: Use coconut whipped cream

Mint Oreo Milkshake

Add a refreshing twist with mint:

  • Mint Extract: Add 1/2 teaspoon of mint extract
  • Mint Oreos: Substitute regular Oreos with mint-flavored Oreos
Perfect Oreo Milkshake

Nutritional Information

Here is a rough estimate of the nutritional values per serving:

  • Calories: 450-500
  • Fat: 20g
  • Carbohydrates: 65g
  • Protein: 7g


Creating the perfect Oreo milkshake is a delightful experience that results in a luscious and indulgent treat. With high-quality ingredients and a few simple steps, you can enjoy a homemade milkshake that rivals any you would find in a gourmet dessert shop. So, gather your ingredients and treat yourself to the ultimate Oreo milkshake experience today!

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